The food composition table is available in its entirety through five separate endpoints: foods, food groups, nutrients, LanguaL codes, and sources. Food items contain ID references that can be looked up in the other APIs.
Our APIs are not versioned. We strive for full backwards compatibility at all times. Any additions to the endpoints will be documented on this page. You can also check the Food Table source code on GitHub for more details.
The Food Table has annual updates in the fall. There are few or no changes to the content for the rest of the year, so you can safely cache the data locally. We request that the Food Table be cited as the source when using data from us.
You can get all foods from a single endpoint.
Food groups are organized hierarchically, and each food item has only one place in the hierarchy.
The definition of nutrients includes EuroFIR classification, appropriate decimal places, and more.
LanguaL (Langua aLimentaria or “language of food”) is a classification system for food items. This endpoint contains textual explanations of all LanguaL codes used by food items.
Unfortunately, LanguaL codes are not translated and are therefore not available in different languages.
Sources indicate where the various numbers in the Food Table come from, or how they are calculated, etc.